Anderson Canteli

Download and install

On this page you can find details on how to download and install the CAVS - adsorption evaluation

Current version::

  • 2.0
  • 2.01

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher;
  • 64-bit CPU

Downloading CAVS - Adsorption Evaluation

To download the CAVS – Adsorption Evaluation, go to the institutional website and choose the most recent version.

ATTENTION: the only safe place to download the software is on the institutional website.

Or if you prefer, copy and paste:

Installing CAVS - Adsorption Evaluation

Installing the software is very simple: just run the installer and follow the steps indicated.


ATTENTION: some antivirus software may identify CAVS – Adsorption Evaluation as a possible threat. If this happens, it is not necessary to take any action: just wait for the antivirus to scan the installer.

Learn more about CAVS – adsorption evaluation by clicking on this link.

Anúncio do CAVS

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